COVID-19 information

We must continue to take all reasonable steps to protect staff, students, and stakeholders from COVID-19, this includes engaging in COVID-19 risk assessment work, involving trade unions and 91ÂãÁÄÊÓƵSA.
At 91ÂãÁÄÊÓƵ there is nothing more important to us than your safety. Please read the information below on how to stay safe throughout your work or studies.
If you aren't vaccinated, you should consider getting vaccinated. The Government vaccine program is open to all students.
COVID-19 vaccination and boosters
91ÂãÁÄÊÓƵ strongly encourages all staff and students who are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine or booster. See the Ìýto find out how to arrange a vaccine appointment.
Students can get further information and support on the .
COVID-19 testing
The only specific groups can still access LFD test kits from the NHS are:
- people classed as high risk with a specific health condition, and
- people who work in the NHS health or social care patient facing roles and have symptoms.Ìý
Students - stay safe
If you feel unwell, please follow the which is to stay at home until you feel better, to reduce the risk of infecting other people.
We are here to support you if you feel unwell, your year tutor or faculty office will be able to advise you and signpost you to sources of support if you are unable to engage with your studies or cannot attend campus for in-person classes.
Please email for advice and we will of course do our best to support you.
If you need to speak to a medical professional, then contact NHS24 by phoning 111. It’s not too late to help protect for yourself and those around you who may be more vulnerable to COVID-19. Make sure you’ve had all the recommended doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. For more information visit: .
Moving around sites
We strongly encourage all staff, students and stakeholders to keep 1 metre physical distancing when transiting inside buildings, such as through corridors, communal areas, libraries and canteens. Please keep to the left when moving down corridors.
Teaching spaces should not be occupied to levels where the CO2 levels exceed that stated in the Ventilation of the Workplace during COVID-19 guidance note (available via the staff Intranet). It is advised, where possible to keep 1 metre distancing between seats. Revised room occupancy number posters will be placed on room entrances. These must be adhered to.
Staggering breaktimes should be considered to reduce the need for staff and students to use break rooms, canteens, rest areas or changing facilities at the same time. Use outside areas (weather permitting) for breaks if the locations are suitable and it is safe to do so.
Face coverings
Staff, students and stakeholders are strongly encouraged to still wear face coverings whilst transiting inside 91ÂãÁÄÊÓƵ buildings, such as corridors, communal areas, libraries and canteens.
Hygiene and cleaning
Staff, students and stakeholders must continue to follow good procedures on arrival and leaving the work/study area, as well as before eating, drinking or smoking. They must wash their hands for 20 seconds with soap and water and dry them thoroughly, or use alcohol-based sanitiser.
Shared equipment and frequently touched surfaces must be disinfected at the end of each use and again before the next use.
The cleaning of buildings has returned to normal contracted levels. If there are any issues please liaise with the local FM Business Partner or local cleaning contractor.
Buildings must continue to be ventilated, by the opening of doors and windows, to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.
Student Accommodation
Students in 91ÂãÁÄÊÓƵ accommodation have a personal responsibility to comply with this guidance and adopt and maintain safe behaviours to protect themselves and other people.
Where support is needed as part of these measures, students should communicate this to their local residential staff contact:
- Barony residences – Pearl Edgar, Campus Residential Manager, 01387 860 251
- Oatridge residences – Barbara McGrane, Residential Manager, 01506 864 800